Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best yet worst day ever

Thursday my sister and I decided to to go on a little adventure we went off onto a dirt road just to see where it would go we soon found that the road was too thin to turn around on. So we keep going and found that we were headed to Cripple Creek 14 more miles down the road we came to this field that had a bunch of wild burrows

they were amazing I got out of the car and went to go pet them. After slowly sneeking up on a couple one finally let me pet it it was amazing I absolutley loved it. I hopped back into the car we entered the city of Cripple Creek. It's an amazing little town millions of casinos and tons of character. It had the biggest coolest sand castle EVER!!!

Well we headed to a gas station because Cripple Creek apparently doesn't have any. We drove 18 miles just to find out that the gas station we were looking for hadn't been used in years and now had a bunch of statues and things there. Thats where I saw the huge cock.

We were driving back to Canon city and saw the most gorgeous sunset. It was so beautiful and sadly my camera did not capture all of the amazing colors shadowed on the clouds. It was utterly breathtaking.

We were almost to Highway 50 I was looking down at my phone trying to get service when I felt the car go into the gravel. I looked up and saw her trying to correct the car and then the next second we were headed straight into the mountain. Terror shook me and I didn't know what to do. When people say your life flashes before your eyes they arent joking. I keep thinking please don't let me die, I'm not ready to die yet. The impact was shocking it jarred me to my core and I had a sickening feeling. I don't know what really happened I went from being in the front seat and ended up in the back seat. It stopped as suddenly as it began and the car righted itself. I was alive and so were my sister and her nephew. It was a miracle Thank you god. All I got was a few bruises and a messed up shoulder.

My shoulder.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Diets and Broken heats

So recently I put my self out there put my heart on the line hoping to get answers. Instead all I got was more questions. I asked him point blank all circumstances aside how he felt about me. His reply was I don't know I don't know what my future will be. I think rejection would have been better. I would have been able to get over him or at least I think I would. But this uncertainty is ridiculous. It puts the what if and if only's back into my head. Where I can live in my own fantasy land, and play out different situations in my head. I need to get over him... I NEED to get over him. He has caused me a lot of problems in my past. It should be easy to rid him from my life. But it isn't, which is probably caused by my own insecurities. Being an overweight woman I have a very negative outlook on life most times. I am afraid of love yet I strive to have it in my life, but I feel I don't deserve it. I look for people who will reject me or hurt me instead of people who will love me and treat me like I deserve. It's a never ending circle and I deserve better. I feel like a lot of things have to change in order for me to change. Losing weight being my top priority. I messed up on my diet a couple weeks ago. But now I have redevoted my self to healthy living. Nothing like a broken heart to make one evaluate their life. Revenge is a great motivator as well. In the world we live in its almost impossible to be accepted and be overweight. I can't exactly change the world so its time to change myself. Be who I wanna be and not be a lazy misfit who is unhappy all the time.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mother of a angel-a story of loss

My heart belongs to an angel and I'm not sure if I will ever get it back. Her name is KayLea Elaina Johnson. She is my daughter. I never got to hold her I never got to hear her cry, I never kissed her cheek, she never took even one little breath. Everyday is a struggle trying to get over the loss of my daughter. She was my everything for the longest time. On March 2nd I found out I was pregnant through kind of a round about way my friend thought she was pregnant and I took a test as kind of a support thing and found out I was pregnant I went to the doctor on my lunch break from work I was so nervous sitting in the waiting room I couldn't concentrate my mind was everywhere at once. The nurse called me in and I was physically shaking. While they were doing their tests I was in another place all together. Then they gave me the news I was in fact pregnant. I kept thinking how could this be I was so careful I was taking birth control they told me to schedule an appointment with a gyno. The father and I weren't together anymore he was leaving to go to California for a job on the 8th. How was I going to tell him? should I even tell him? I had an appointment the following day. Where they told me that I was 2 and a half months pregnant. I was so scared. I finally told him on the 5th he actually kind of guessed it. He came over to my house and just held me. He told me that he wished he didn't have to go but he had to and it was killing him. So on the 9th I kissed him goodbye and that was it I was on my own. My pregnancy was not the most pleasant. It seemed every smell had me running for the toilet. oh how I loathed being pregnant. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with her. Then a little while later I felt her move. It was just a flutter but that flutter was suddenly everything to me. That was the moment I fell in love with being pregnant. Every time I felt that flutter I would stop what I was doing hold my stomach and just smile. I decided I was going to keep my baby. I had already grown too attached and I was in a place that I was very stable. So I picked out 2 names Skyler Addison for a boy and Kayley Elaina for a girl. When I found out she was a girl I was so happy. But soon changed the spelling to KayLea after my mom. I hadn't heard from the father in 2 months and was heart broken. I got a hold of his mother and asked if she had a way of getting a hold of him she asked me if I knew where he was. I said California right? She said no he is in prison. That was a lot to take in and she asked if I wanted to go visit him when she went. So I did I visited him every week and I finally asked him for one thing I wanted KayLea to know her grandparents he agreed and told his mother I was pregnant with a girl. She was ecstatic and she was my rock during my pregnancy. She did everything for me. She would call and check on me daily. She was sick she had been for years one day she told me that she would live to see her grandchild born. She was to full blown kicking then sometimes it hurt but it was worth the pain I love feeling her move inside me. I can’t tell you how absolutely amazing it is to have this new life growing inside of you. Every movement a gift from God. A reminder of why I was doing all of this. KayLea was my own little miracle. She is what kept me going, and I felt truly blessed. On August 16th 2009 I found out my baby was stillborn. I was 33 weeks. They told me that it was better that I had her naturally and that they would wait a week, and if I hadn't delivered her by then that they would induce. I don't know how I even made it out of the hospital or how I dialed my phone but the next thing I knew I was in my sisters arms she was holding me tight while I cried hysterically into her shoulder right in the middle of the of the parking lot of the Utah Valley hospital. We some how managed to get into her van and she opened her arms and let me cry on her shoulder some more stroking my hair and telling me it was okay. But it wasn't okay I couldn't hardly breathe. I don't remember much of that week I don't remember talking, eating or showering. I would just sit in my room and cry for hours. My mom stayed with me for the first couple days. But she had to leave because my grief was just to much for her. She couldn't stand to be around me when I was hurting so much and there was nothing she could do about it. I can't explain how traumatising and disturbing it is to carry your dead baby inside of you on August 22nd 2009 I had had enough I went to the hospital and had them induce me it all seems like a blur I remember when i had delivered her they cleaned her up they asked me if I wanted to hold her I knew if I did I would never be able to let her go. I just looked upon her beautiful face I wished with everything inside of me that she would just breathe, but she didn't. I didn't have enough money for a funeral so the hospital said they would take care of her remains. How I regret that decision. September 8th her grandma died as well. She had kept her promise she had lived until my baby was born. I had become so close to her that this news sent me on another downward spiral. I was not capable of dealing with so much loss all at once. Somehow I survived it. I kept thinking of my baby girl today and every time I do it hits me like a ton of bricks. I lost my baby over 8 months ago but the pain is just as fresh as that very first day. I wonder what it would have been like. What she would look like. What color her eyes would be. Would I have been a good mother? Would she have slept through out the night or would she have been nocturnal like her mother. I can't help but wonder and ask these questions. She was a part of me for 7 1/2 months. When I heard her heartbeat I was overjoyed. When I felt her move for the first time I truly felt like this was why life was worthwhile. I never thought that she would leave me. I would sing to her and even though I sounded horrible that's when she would move the most. She would sleep when I was up and the minute I laid down to go to bed she would let herself be known. I had given up so much to be able to hold that precious baby in my arms I would have moved mountains, given up everything just to see her take her first breath. No one can ever know how much a mother loves her daughter. My journal entry on 08/22/2009 KayLea Elaina Johnson was born today but she did not take a breath and though I never got to hold her or see her take her first breath she will forever be in my heart she will forever be loved, and will never be forgotten. My dear sweet baby angel, may I get the chance to hold you when I reach heaven.
I just hope that Jesus is watching out for my baby. I love her so much.

Even though we never met,
I know your face by heart.

Even though we never spoke,
I can hear your voice.

Even though I never held you,
I feel your weight in my arms.

Even though we'll never lie beneath the same stars,
you will always shine above us

KayLea Elaina Johnson
You never spoke but, I heard you
I never held you, but I felt you.
I never knew you, but I love you.

A poem I wrote for her

Baby Girl

Baby girl I need you
I cry for you every night
I just want you in my arms
So I can hold you tight

Baby girl I need you
Every night I pray
For god to give you back to me
Or to have let you stay

Baby girl I need you
I have wanted you for so long
My heart lies with you
and your hearts gentle song

Baby girl I need you
You were my everything
I dont want to know
what life with out you could bring

Baby girl I need you
But I will have to let you go for now
God give the strength
Cause I don't know how

So baby girl go be an angel
I have to put you to rest
You will always be in my heart
But sometimes god knows best

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I didn't actually get to go on my walk. I got on my exercise clothes had my mp3 in my hand and Seven (my dog) in tow. I was just heading down the lane to the road when my Grandma yelled at me saying "Megan get over here and help us get the goats" So I went and helped her get 2 Pygmy goats. I have never been around goats in my life, and I was suppose to catch two of them. I must say goats are some of the most slippery creatures my gosh I would get a hold of one of them and it would slip right through my fingers. Then on top of that I had to carry one of them to the car with it squirming and bleating in my ear and at one point it tried to bite it(my ear that is). We got them loaded and when we got home I had to rebuild a shelter for them. I went to the car to get them out of their pen and the little girl looked at me snarled and growled. I had no idea goats could do this and to be frank it scared me. I thought goats were docile creatures. I was mistaken they are mean, bleating, anxious animals. Well I got them in to the enclosure and was working on fixing the door when I heard a barking noise I look over at the goats and I see that the boy has his mouth open I was so freaked out goats can't bark, can they? Oh my goodness. Then all the sudden I see my uncles dog behind their cage. Sweet relief flooded through me but I still am very nervous around these goats. Later that day I went over to my Aunt Carols she has the regular sized goats and they are a lot nicer surprisingly. She has 4 of them and they all just had babies, eight of them. I can't begin to tell you how adorable these little baby goats are. They follow you around and when you pick them up they nuzzle your face and nibble on your ear (I'm thinking goats have a thing for ears)I also helped her collect eggs. I'm turning into a a regular farm girl. My Aunt is going to be going out of town at the end of the month and she wants me to take care of her chickens and start milking her goats. I have never milked anything in my life so this should be interesting. Anyway enough for today goodnight.

New Diet

So today I start my diet. This time I am doing it for me not for anyone else. It has always failed in the past because I was always doing it for someone else. The first time my Grandma forced me into it and I did very well I lost 50 Pounds in less than 6 months, but as soon as I got back to Utah I slipped because it wasn't really me that wanted it. The last time I did it was for a guy and I never really even started it. Hopefully this time it will stick. I have been overweight my whole life and I don't know what its like to be thin. I want to know that feeling. I want to be happy, healthy and more confident. So I'm cutting out all the sugar, bread and white flour. My sister and my mother did this and they both lost about 100 pounds with out ever exercising. So I figure if I exercise it will work twice as well. Here is hoping. I have a couple people supporting me this time, and that is always great for a diet. I need cheerleaders and competition is always good. I'm a very competitive person, but also very lazy so this should be interesting. Exercise how I loathe that word, but I love physical activity weird huh? Well I'm going to start walking the dogs around the block every day three different dogs at different times. the block is about a forth of a mile (not sure my grandma says its a whole mile)I bought a yoga kit the other day oh how I love yoga, But I have yet to use it I guess I like group yoga better. Oh and belly dancing how I love to belly dance I left all my dvds in Utah not my brightest moment but oh well such is life I will have to buy them again. I love the goddess workout It is by far my favorite. When I was in Colorado when I was 16 I went to actual classes I don't know if they still have them I guess I will have to look. I credit belly dancing and yoga for my weight loss the first time. I always start to exercise and then find something better to do like sitting on my butt writting this stupid blog. So now I am going to force my self out into the sun (hiss hiss) and go for a walk with my overweight dog who needs it as well. So ta ta and I will write again soon