Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I didn't actually get to go on my walk. I got on my exercise clothes had my mp3 in my hand and Seven (my dog) in tow. I was just heading down the lane to the road when my Grandma yelled at me saying "Megan get over here and help us get the goats" So I went and helped her get 2 Pygmy goats. I have never been around goats in my life, and I was suppose to catch two of them. I must say goats are some of the most slippery creatures my gosh I would get a hold of one of them and it would slip right through my fingers. Then on top of that I had to carry one of them to the car with it squirming and bleating in my ear and at one point it tried to bite it(my ear that is). We got them loaded and when we got home I had to rebuild a shelter for them. I went to the car to get them out of their pen and the little girl looked at me snarled and growled. I had no idea goats could do this and to be frank it scared me. I thought goats were docile creatures. I was mistaken they are mean, bleating, anxious animals. Well I got them in to the enclosure and was working on fixing the door when I heard a barking noise I look over at the goats and I see that the boy has his mouth open I was so freaked out goats can't bark, can they? Oh my goodness. Then all the sudden I see my uncles dog behind their cage. Sweet relief flooded through me but I still am very nervous around these goats. Later that day I went over to my Aunt Carols she has the regular sized goats and they are a lot nicer surprisingly. She has 4 of them and they all just had babies, eight of them. I can't begin to tell you how adorable these little baby goats are. They follow you around and when you pick them up they nuzzle your face and nibble on your ear (I'm thinking goats have a thing for ears)I also helped her collect eggs. I'm turning into a a regular farm girl. My Aunt is going to be going out of town at the end of the month and she wants me to take care of her chickens and start milking her goats. I have never milked anything in my life so this should be interesting. Anyway enough for today goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised at all that the smaller goats are more anxious and mean... I think any form of life that is smaller than average tends to be more anxious about their surroundings. It makes sense, right? The world is way bigger to them than their average counterparts... I'm just sayin' is all.
