Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Diet

So today I start my diet. This time I am doing it for me not for anyone else. It has always failed in the past because I was always doing it for someone else. The first time my Grandma forced me into it and I did very well I lost 50 Pounds in less than 6 months, but as soon as I got back to Utah I slipped because it wasn't really me that wanted it. The last time I did it was for a guy and I never really even started it. Hopefully this time it will stick. I have been overweight my whole life and I don't know what its like to be thin. I want to know that feeling. I want to be happy, healthy and more confident. So I'm cutting out all the sugar, bread and white flour. My sister and my mother did this and they both lost about 100 pounds with out ever exercising. So I figure if I exercise it will work twice as well. Here is hoping. I have a couple people supporting me this time, and that is always great for a diet. I need cheerleaders and competition is always good. I'm a very competitive person, but also very lazy so this should be interesting. Exercise how I loathe that word, but I love physical activity weird huh? Well I'm going to start walking the dogs around the block every day three different dogs at different times. the block is about a forth of a mile (not sure my grandma says its a whole mile)I bought a yoga kit the other day oh how I love yoga, But I have yet to use it I guess I like group yoga better. Oh and belly dancing how I love to belly dance I left all my dvds in Utah not my brightest moment but oh well such is life I will have to buy them again. I love the goddess workout It is by far my favorite. When I was in Colorado when I was 16 I went to actual classes I don't know if they still have them I guess I will have to look. I credit belly dancing and yoga for my weight loss the first time. I always start to exercise and then find something better to do like sitting on my butt writting this stupid blog. So now I am going to force my self out into the sun (hiss hiss) and go for a walk with my overweight dog who needs it as well. So ta ta and I will write again soon

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